10 Warning Signs You Need a Neck Injury Attorney

Neck injuries can range from minor to severe, depending on the cause and degree of damage. Some common causes of neck injury include auto accidents, sports-related activities, falls, and physical assaults.

Here are 10 warning neck injury signs when you need to get an attorney on your side:

1. Pain that Worsens with Movement

If you have a neck injury, even slight movements may cause pain or increased discomfort in the area of your neck. This can be a sign of more serious damage, so it’s important to seek medical attention right away and contact an attorney if your condition worsens.

2. Loss of Range of Motion

Neck injuries often cause limited range of motion in the affected area. You may not be able to turn your head as far as you could before the injury, which can make everyday activities difficult to perform. If this is the case for you, then you should consider speaking with a lawyer about legal options for recovering compensation from any responsible parties.

3. Numbness or Tingling

Neck injuries can cause numbness and tingling in the arms and hands, as well as other areas of the body. This is a sign of nerve damage, which can have serious implications if left untreated. If you experience any type of numbness or tingling after a neck injury, then it’s important to contact an attorney immediately.

4. Difficulty Concentrating

When your neck is injured, there are often difficulties with concentration due to pain, inflammation, and other factors related to the injury. If you find yourself unable to focus on tasks that used to be easy for you before the injury, then it’s time to talk with a lawyer about your rights and legal options.

5. Trouble Breathing

When your neck is injured, it can cause difficulty breathing due to the pain or swelling in the area. If you are having trouble taking deep breaths and feeling like you’re not getting enough air, then contact a neck injury attorney right away.

6. Loss of Balance

Neck injuries can affect balance and coordination, as they can interfere with signals going from the brain to the body. If you find yourself experiencing dizziness or other issues related to balance after a neck injury, then it’s important to seek legal help for compensation for any damages.

7. Persistent Headaches

A common symptom of neck injuries is persistent headaches, which may occur on one side of the head. If you are experiencing headaches that don’t seem to go away after a neck injury, then it’s time to speak with an attorney about your rights.

8. Pain in Other Areas of the Body

A neck injury can cause pain in other areas of the body, such as in the shoulders or lower back. This is due to the fact that neck injuries often cause misalignments and other issues throughout the spine. If you experience any type of pain in these areas after a neck injury, seek medical attention and talk to a lawyer at http://www.workerscompensationlawyersla.com/ about your legal options for compensation.

9. Unusual Swelling

If you have sustained a neck injury, there may be swelling in the area that doesn’t seem to go away. This could be a sign of internal bleeding or other serious issues. If you experience any type of swelling after a neck injury, then it’s time to get in touch with an attorney for legal help.

10. Unusual Noise

A neck injury can sometimes cause popping or crackling sounds when moving the head or neck. If you hear these types of sounds coming from your neck, then you need to contact a lawyer immediately as this can be indicative of more serious damage and should not be ignored.

If you have experienced any of these warning signs after sustaining a neck injury, then it’s important to seek medical attention right away and talk with an experienced neck injury attorney, as https://www.workerscompensationattorneyorangecounty.com/ is, about your legal options for recovering compensation from any responsible parties. An experienced lawyer will be able to help you determine the best course of action and get you the justice and financial relief you deserve.

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